
Annotations - Fearless

Page history last edited by Ian McLean 5 years, 9 months ago
What we did: We had already viewed two book trailers created by Stage 2 students during last term's book rap about Fearless, and we had read the picture book and enjoyed illustrator Sarah Davis's book trailer about "Fearless". After opening the box containing the stuffed Fearless toy dog, took his photograph, and then the students brainstormed possible ways "to share Fearless" during his time at Penrith Public School.
The rain prevented us from taking Fearless outside for a photo shoot, so each tudent chose a locale in the new school library. I took two versions of each photo, one including the student. The next day, these photos were available online, as part of a rotating Flickr display, which we viewed on the IWB. The pens were used to scribe students' suggestions for each photo's captions, over two sessions. The captions that received the best reactions (funny, witty, clever, insightful, etc) were indicated, and the photos were put into the Photo Peach website and edited. The SCLB students (guest artists) drew their reactions to the selected photographs and captions. Following the positive reaction to the first Photo Peach slideshow, a second was created, using leftover photos, SCLB's drawings, and a few new images. The slideshows were edited onscreen, and reread often. 
Ross J Todd suggests:
  • Exhibitions, displays of products plus student self assessments of learning


  • Put up “the story” of learning, as well as the products of new learning


  • Let the “voices” of students tell the story. 
("Knowing and showing how school library programs help students learn", 2004)
So here goes:
Here's what Kindergarten (Early Stage 1, 2010) said about starting our Travelling Fearless project:
Do you have the Internet at home?
Additional comments (scribed from oral).
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Don’t know
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 (The students were quite definite in their answers, unlike previous years:)
What can we do to share Fearless?
*     “Put Fearless in a circle.”
*      “Take turns.”
*      “Let people pat him.”
*      “Show him to some other toy dogs."
*      “Give him hugs.”
*     "Take him on a walk around the whole school.”
*     “Put him on one of the shelves so people can look at him every day.”
*      “Give him to other people and let them take their time.”
*     “Take him up a ladder.”
*      “Take him home for one day [ each ].”
*    "Make him a kennel.”  
*    “Put him on the IWB.”  
*    “Show him some books.”
*    “Take him to a park [ across the road ].”  
*    “Take him for a ride in a car.”
What will we have learned when we have finished?
*     “How to stop being Fearful.”
*      “How to share Fearless.”
*      “How to be friendly.”
*      “How to look after a toy dog.”
*      “We will have learned about [ real ] dogs.”
*     “We will have learned about what dogs do at the park.”
*      “How to teach Fearless new tricks.” (x 3)
*      “How to teach Fearless how to climb.” (x 2)
*      “How to tell the difference between real dogs and stuffed toy dogs.”
*      “We will have learned how to work together.”
*     “Pass.” (x 1)
Here's what Kindergarten (Early Stage 1, 2010) said about completing our Travelling Fearless project:
Do you have the Internet at home?
Additional comments (scribed from oral).
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“I looked at pictures of Fearless on it." (x 2)
"I saw our slideshows at home.” (x 2)
"I showed the slideshow to Mum and she left a message on it.” (x 2)
“I watched Mr McLean's snowball fight video [ on Flickr ] three times."
“I play Toylab."
“We have two Internets and we watched our slideshows on one of them."
“I watched all our photos and slideshows." 
“I looked at the new slideshow. The sad one.”
Don't Know
"I didn't look."

What did we do to share Fearless?

·         “We made messages.”
·         “We took pictures of him.”
·         “We shared him with friends.”
·         “We showed him around the library.” (x 2)
·         “He met the other toy animals.”
·         “SCLB drew pictures.”
·         “We took him to other spots in the school.” (x 2)
·         “We took him to other spots in the school and took pictures of him.” (x 2)
·         “We read him books.” (x 2)
·         “We passed him around the circle.”

With who/how did we share Fearless?

·         “Other toy dogs.” (x 2)
·         “The flying fox toy.”
·         “PB Wiki.”
·         “The animals out at the front gate.”
·         “Toys like Cranky the Crocodile.”
·         “My toy bear from home.”
·         “On the Internet.”
·         “My Mum, by putting Fearless on the Internet.”
·         “Mr McLean showed other classes when they came to the library.”
·         “Other teachers using an IWB in their classroom.” (x 2)
·         “Lots of people, by making slideshows to put on the Internet.” (x 2)

What did we learn now we have finished?

·         “How to take photographs.” (x 3)
·         “How to make new friends.”
·         “How to share.” (x 4)
·         “How to look after toys.” (x 2)
·         “How to make slideshows on the IWB.”
·         “What is a URL and how to find our wiki.”
·         “How to look after baby dogs (puppies).”
·         “How to look at slideshows on the Internet with Mum.”

What will we do next?

·         “Look at the slideshows again.”
·         “Tell the new people who come to Kindergarten next year and show them the slideshows.”
·         “Bring in a fish/cat/crocodile/stuffed toy, or a real crocodile/pet." (x 7)
·         “Write a story about a cat and a dog.”
·         “Read books - in the library.” (x 2)
·         “Play with toys.”
·         “Bring in a blanket for the toy dogs.”

With Travelling Fearless visiting us, I feel smarter because...

·         “I'm clever.”
·         “I learned lots of things in the library.” (x 3)
·         “I know some things about being good."
·         “I like working with my friends.”
·         “We did Circle Time in the library with Mr McLean."
·         “I'm a mind reader and I'm good at guessing.”
·         “I told my family all about Fearless.”
·         “I like coming to the library.” (x 2)
·         “I can read with my Mum." (x 2)
·         “I showed my Mum the library on the computer at home.”


In addition to the previously-stated Outcomes (English K-6 NSW syllabus - Early Stage 1), the following outcomes were also addressed by the project:


V4   shows confidence in using language in a variety of contexts.


RES1.5   Demonstrates developing reading skills to short, predictable written texts on familiar topics (Moving towards... RS1.5 Reads a wider range of texts on less familiar topics with increasing independence and understanding, making connections between own knowledge and experience and information in texts).


WES1.12   Produces most lower-case and upper-case letters and uses computer technology to begin to construct texts. (Moving towards... WS1.12 Produces texts using letters of consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style and using computer technology).



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Penrith Public School Library Wiki © 2007 Penrith Public School, High Street, Penrith 2750, New South Wales, Australia. Telephone 02 4721 2158. Fax 02 4721 3466. No text or graphics may be reproduced without permission. All text and graphics © the original authors/artists of Penrith Public School. HTML by Ian McLean.

This page uploaded Term 4, 2010; last revised 2019.

Wiki URL: http://penrithpslibrary.pbworks.com/

Email the Web Composer at: lindsay96@ozemail.com.au

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