Travelling Fearless 2010
Page history
last edited
by Ian McLean 1 year, 1 month ago
Group Project
In Term Four 2010, a group of Early Stage 1 students collaborated on the "Travelling Fearless Project", in which a stuffed toy British bulldog arrived at our school after visiting other schools who'd participated in Term Three's "Across the Story Bridge with Fearless" book rap.

Firstly, we discussed our ideas in Circle Time with Mr McLean, our teacher-librarian. The next day, we had turns putting Fearless in different locations around the library, and meeting the other animal toys. Cranky the Crocodile, from KI, came over to visit. Mr McLean took the photos. Sometimes Fearless looked scared but sometimes he looked fearless. The next day, we brainstormed captions and Mr McLean wrote our favourites on the IWB (interactive whiteboard). Finally, we put our photos and captions into "Photo Peach", which turned our best photos and captions into a digital narrative to share with the world! In the first four days it was online, our slideshow attracted 726 views and 40 comments! We were so happy with the feedback from our viewers, we decided to do another slideshow.
Before we knew about wikis and the IWB, we used to write our recounts, procedures and narratives on butcher's paper, or put them in a "news book". Weaving a wiki is fun, and we can share our work with the whole world! Please scroll down to see the rest of our template:
We hope that you will enjoy reading about our progress...
Working together using this wiki
Think of this wiki as a shared online whiteboard. Your entire group can share information using this wiki, making your research accessible to everyone. Play around with this wiki: Notice how you can add comments to a page, see what people have changed, and edit all the text.
Outcomes - English K-6 NSW syllabus - Early Stage 1
V1 enjoys creating a range of spoken and written texts.
TES1.1 Communicates with peers and known adults in informal situations and structured activities dealing briefly with familiar topics. (Moving towards... TS1.1 Communicates with an increasing range of people for a variety of purposes on both familiar and introduced topics in spontaneous and structured classroom activities.)
WES1.9 Engages in writing texts with the intention of conveying an idea or message. (Moving towards... WS1.9 Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers.)
Group members
- Nicholas
- Jacob
- Jacinta
- Lachlan
- Amanda
- Zak
- Justin
- Jasmine
- Sonaya
- Kia
- Brigette
- Faitala
- Dylan
- Bonnie
- Haylee
Special guest artists
- Cameron
- Chad
- Delta
- Fiona
- Nathan
- Beau
Who? |
When do we meet - Term Four?
Mondays - Thursdays after Lunch
Fridays - before Lunch.
Annotations about 2010 ES1's progress.
What other classes are saying about our wiki pages
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Penrith Public School Library Wiki © 2007, 2010, Penrith Public School, High Street, Penrith 2750, New South Wales, Australia. Telephone 02 4721 2158. Fax 02 4721 3466. No text or graphics may be reproduced without permission. All text and graphics © the original authors/artists of Penrith Public School. HTML by Ian McLean.
This page uploaded Term 4, 2010; last revised 2019.
Wiki URL: http://penrithpslibrary.pbworks.com/
Email the Web Composer at: therinofandor@gmail.com
Travelling Fearless 2010
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