The kangaroo and the emu
An abandoned draft fable by Early Stage 1, 2008

[Drawing by Holly]
The kangaroo loves to chase mice around and around in circles and eat them
The emu just runs around in circles trying to catch little children
The emu just has mice friends and nobody else
The kangaroo just has children as friends and nobody else
One day the children and the mice got together and made a plan
They need to teach the kangaroo and emu how to have lots of friends and not run in circles
(These animals were chosen because they always go forward with pride.)

[Drawing by Thalan]
After reading some of Aesop's fables we noticed: lots of animal characters; there was always a lesson (moral) at the end.
Week 3 - Favourite animals: cats (allergic?), giraffe (who has his own special space), fox (sneaky), dolphin (helping people to water ski - going "Forward with Pride" - our school motto), sharks (sharp teeth, show off, brushes her teeth), panda (nice, look like bears, on TV; all black?), poodles (pink! - like to lick people), dog (that lets me go anywhere), kangaroo (with a joey inside her pouch - and a little bed), rhinoceros (go riding on it), dinosaurs (in a police uniform and a ballerina's tutu), a lion (pride). Decision: all four fables this year will address our school motto, "Forward with Pride".
Week 4 - Circle time: shark has gills; lions go forward with their pride (of lions) and can run faster than a car; kangaroos and emus can't walk backwards, always go forward (with pride); giraffe likes eating toast for breakfast; magical fox turned the poodle pink, turns into a dragon, always buys strawberry (pink) ice cream.
Week 5 - Investigate more of Aesop's fables; Who was Aesop?; discuss morals in fables.
- Circle time: "Forward with pride" - our school motto. Makes us think of forward, four (number), 4 (numeral), fore (golf - "Look out in front!"), going for wood (forward), we would go for wood. Woodpeckers and beavers like wood. Fences, branches, sticks, treehouses, cubby houses, tables and chairs are made of wood. Fire needs wood. Trees need bark. Pride of lions. Things that make us proud: playing on my bike; Mum buying me stuff; parties; using my own money to buy a Slushy at 7-11; my doctor was proud of me at the hospital when I got stitches and he gave me a toy; winning at my DS game; my teacher is proud when I read well; winning lollies, stickers and Good Ones at school.
- Draft:"The kangaroo and the emu" - from our Australian emblem (inspired by Stage 3's posters on display). Use "Forward with pride" - our school motto. Makes us think of forward, four (number), 4 (numeral), fore (golf - "Look out in front!"), going for wood (forward), we would go for wood. Woodpeckers and beavers like wood. Fences, branches, sticks, treehouses, cubby houses, tables and chairs are made of wood. Fire needs wood. Trees need bark. Pride of lions. Things that make us proud: playing on my bike; Mum buying me stuff; parties; using my own money to buy a Slushy at 7-11; my doctor was proud of me at the hospital when I got stitches and he gave me a toy; winning at my DS game; my teacher is proud when I read well; winning lollies, stickers and Good Ones at school.
Week 6 - "Recent visitors" to the wiki include locales of: Soul-t'ukpyolsi, Hlavni Mesto Praha, and the exotic French location, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. Where are these places?
- Circle time: Bringing the pink poodle and the shark (favourite characters) into the same fable as the giraffe. Note that a giraffe now also appears in the "Kangaroo and emu" fable, according to artwork. Inspiration from French locale discovered from "Recent visitors". Perhaps also need to investigate the art of feng shui? The colour red? Eiffel Tower?
Week 7 - Guest artists from Class SCLB listened to the four draft fables and drew new artwork of the characters. Search Google Images to find pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Use books to provide shark models for drawing. The lion story "needs some tigers", according to one artist.
- Circle time: Continuing to develop the fable of the giraffe, pink poodle and shark (favourite unused characters incorporated into one of the four existing fable drafts).
Week 8 - Circle time: Completion of "The giraffe's own room" fable. Read-through of completed fable and final editing.
- Continuing to develop the fable of the wrestling rhino by exploring the other briefly mentioned characters. Google Image searches on rhinoceroses (discuss rhinoceros snake? rhinoceros beetle?) and peacocks. Repeat with guest artists, who then draw some peacocks.
Week 9 - Read-through of completed fable, "The clever rhinoceros", and final editing.
- Circle time: Continuing to develop the fable of the lions and tigers. Read-through of completed fable and final editing.
Week 10 - Circle Time suggestions for how to link the giraffe in a completed fable ("The giraffe's own room") to the "Kangaroo and emu" one, because one artist had insisted on putting the giraffe in the emu's place on the Australian Coat of Arms. Read-through of completed fable and final editing. Final read-through of other three fables.
- Pre-activity questions reposed, scribed and compiled. Group decided to abandon the "Kangaroo and emu" fable because many good ideas in that story were used in the other three. Student speculations re the arrival of the library's new interactive whiteboard (IWB). How will it change the way we use the wiki and Internet searching?
- The giraffe's own room - a fable
- The lion and his cub - a fable
- The clever rhinoceros - a fable.
Annotations about the 2008 ES1's progress.
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This page uploaded Term 4, 2008; last revised 2019.
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