
More nursery rhymes 2008

Page history last edited by Ian McLean 1 year, 1 month ago

Wacky Wiki Rhymes 


(based on "Baa baa black sheep")


by K1S (English)



"Moo moo, brown cow, have you any meat?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, but I don't taste sweet."



"Oink oink, pink pig, don't you know you stink?"

"Well, well, really! Is that what you think?"



"Hi there, butcher, have you any beef?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, eat it with your teeth!"



"Oink oink, blue pig, have you any fork?"

"Yes sir, yes sir. I'm not a dork."



"Squeak squeak, brown thing, aren't you a rat?

"Yes sir, yes sir, but don't call me fat."



"Good morning, Sunshine", said the master to the sheep.

"What do you want this time? I'm still asleep!"



"Baa baa, Grandpa. Are you going to take a bath?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, I have my own raft."



"Oink oink, brown pig, have you any mud?"

"I have lots of it, I am such a grub!"



Chat, chat, Ben. Chat, chat, Zoe -- off they go to the bar.

When they got there, everyone stared, and no one gave them a beer.



"Woof woof, brown dog, have you any bones?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, I'll give you a loan."



"Miaow miaow, brown cat, have you any sound?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, but you'll have to bow!"



"Oink oink, white pig, you look so cleansed."

"Yes sir, thank you, I know that, friend!"



"Neigh neigh, brown horse, have you any hair?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, but I don't like to share.



"Oink oink, white pig, have you any babies?"

"Yes sir, yes sir, but they all have rabies!"



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This page uploaded Term 2, 2008; last revised 2019.

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